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Showing posts from June, 2020

The Incontrovertible Indian Philosophy

The Indian philosophy is divided into seven systems, which lay stress to answer the most basic philosophical inquiries. The scholars within theses systems regard them as many millennia older. These important questions are : 1.  Who am I ? From where have I come and why have I come ? What is my relationship with the manifold universe and other human beings ? 2.  What is the essential nature of my being, and what is the essential nature of the manifested world, and its cause ? 3.  What is the relationship of the center of consciousness and the objects of the world ? 4.  What is the nature of the forms and names of the objects of the world, and how do they serve the essential nature of man or universal consciousness ? 5.  What are the guidelines for action as long as we live in the natural body ? Do we live after death ? 6.  What is truth, and how do we arrive at rational conclusions on question of truth ? Note :  The dates given for the teachers of the systems below hav


Just a few days ago I came across a post on Instagram which read “There is a Good reason Why You never get a bill for the freedom you enjoy because somebody has already paid for it”, sounds pretty pleasant. But rarely come across the stories of those warriors very often which we are indebted to. A debt which we just can't imagine of paying back. This blog is about one of the greatest battle the world has ever seen, “The Battle of Rezang La”. This battle was the last site stand by the Charlie company of 13 Kumaon during 1962 Sino-Indian war. Though it was a war that India lost, it made us realize the importance of modernization and advancement of our Army and weaponry. But the one thing that stood out was the Bravery of our soldiers who fought till the last bullet and last man and thus followed the orders of Brigadier T N Raina to the tee. The battle took place on 18 th November 1962, in Rezang La of Chushul in Ladakh. This battle is considered one of the greatest las

Why Can’t I?

"My parents are now not supporting my studies. They don't want me to go to school. Why can't I study further? Just because I am poor?   Or just because I am a girl? We are living in the 21st century, but my parents seem to have not developed their mindset even now. They just want me to do labor and get married somewhere, but who will tell them that I want to complete my education and become something in my life. I feel that I would never be able to overcome the dark clouds of poverty in this life."   She hugged her teacher who asked the reason for her absentee - for many days and then started crying profusely as if all her dreams have shattered just in a moment. This is the story of a 15-year-old, meritorious girl, Rani. She wants to study and become something in her life. She is dedicated and always tries to attend her classes against all odds. There may be so many girls like Rani around us, who are fighting with their families for their education, wor